What is waste valorization?

Waste valorization is a set of processes by which material waste is transformed into another product, material or energy. The activity of manufacture of compressed wood logs and pellets will make it possible to recover all the waste and sawdust of pallet and slatted panel activities. We expect an annual production of 10,000T of logs and pellets for energy use, mainly for export and luxury hotels. In fact, the heat capacity of logs and pellets is almost 2 times higher than traditional firewood. In addition, the cost of using this biomass makes it possible to compete with boilers using fossil energies. In order to guarantee a high-quality product that can be used for both local and international markets, our pellets will be DIN plus certified.

What are pellets ?

Pellets are cylindrical wood chips used for the combustion and constitution of animal bedding. They are obtained through the forestry industry, after the cut of wood in sawmills.

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Here is the life cycle of our woods.